2021 Thoughts

Wazzup! I'm alive and I feel good. I finally decided to share my thoughts from the year 2021. Though I'm still having second thoughts, I get the feeling that I'm obliged to do this, so let's get into it! I will not get into detail as it might get cringe, lol. Please don't expect too much from me.

  1. Love is a battlefield, yet it can be the most wonderful thing.
  2. Second chances are rare, if you have it grab it.
  3. Slow down, God is in control.
  4. There are things that you really need to give up in order to fully experience the joy you've been looking for.
  5. Everything is permissible, but not everything is helpful. 1 Corinthians 10:23
  6. But test all things. Hold fast to what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 - In my perspective, this doesn't mean that I need to test everything all at once, but it's crucial that I know what's good for me. In that way I can easily see if I'm on the right track.
  7. Your values are essential, you must really have the courage to keep and stick to them. You will be thankful at some point in time.
  8. Curiosity is good; don't be afraid to ask questions! :)
  9. There is a time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
  10. If it doesn't work on the first try, I'm sure that God has better plans for you. - God revealed this to me, and I'm grateful. :)
  11. Sharing is good, but do not overshare. - I'm guilty, but I don't have regrets. I need to vent, and it helps me a lot.
  12. 8-9 hours sleep, please. I'm always struggling, but I can do this! hahaha
  13. Be thankful for everything, EVERYTHING.
  14. Your worries will soon come to pass. Be positive, have faith because God is in control.
  15. Faith can move mountains. Matthew 17:20-21
  16. If it's God's will, no one, not even YOU, can stop it.
  17. Be honest!
  18. Don't settle for less. - I don't have high standards, but I know my worth.
  19. Love isn't logical. - Calvin, Ruby Sparks 2012
  20. Being organized is a good thing, just don't overdo it. - Oops, guilty, haha!
  21. Don't ignore your visions.
  22. Take care of yourself. - It's really fun to take care of myself. I'm surprised that I'm still learning during the process.
  23. Keep and prioritize the people that keep your sanity.
  24. Prayer is the key to everything! - I always believe that I can make things happen, but the truth is only God can make anything happen.
  25. Learning new things is always good!
  26. What is love? 1 Corinthians 13 - I will never ever forget this.

Thank you 2021, Lezzz go 2022!